Bloemfontein Accommodation & Surroundings

Bloemfontein Accommodation & Surroundings

Waverley, Bloemfontein Self Catering Accommodation

Where possible we will display the nearest venues we have within 40kms of this location below.

Nearby Accommodation

Lily Guesthouse

1.92 km from Waverley, Bloemfontein

Lily Guesthouse in the northern suburbs of Bloemfontein is easily accessible from the N1, yet situated in tranquil surroundings. We take pride in our true hospitality and excellent personal service.
From R385
Per person, per night sharing
Per person, per night sharing
Sleeps 24 in 10 units / rooms
Call Property Direct Call Direct Direct Enquiry Wifi Available

Bedrock Self Catering

2.08 km from Waverley, Bloemfontein

Bedrock provides visitors to Bloemfontein with self catering accommodation set in the leafy suburb of Bayswater. Set in the northern suburbs, close to a shopping center, take away, eating places, medical facilities and schools in a quiet safe garden.
From R500
Per unit, per night
Per unit, per night
Sleeps 17 in 6 units / rooms
Call Property Direct Call Direct Direct Enquiry Wifi Available

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